Mother Lotus

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The Hugging Meditation

The world needs more hugs.

When you think about meditating, you may think about sitting on a cushion with your eyes closed and trying to keep your body relaxed and your mind calm.

Yes, this is definitely one way to meditate. However, at the core of meditation is PRESENCE and anything you do can be turned into a meditation practice - even hugging!

A fellow yogi once showed me a special way to hug - 
Each person leans to the right when hugging so that both hearts can connect.

This extra level of awareness when giving a hug
makes hugs even more special!

When you are truly present, you are more available in your heart. You really FEEL the moment. You're not rushing it, instead making it a sacred. You are acknowledging your own physical presence and at the same time REALLY SEEING the person in front of you. You can feel the difference and it can make an impact on your relationship and connection.

The Vietnamese Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh created a Hugging Meditation.  And he wisely said, "When we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we are not separate beings."

Give it a try and hug someone today with deep presence, like a meditation.
See how it makes you feel.